With the publication of Bopp's ComparativeGrammar the historical study of language was put upon a stable footing.
The only large work was William Wright's "Lectures on the ComparativeGrammar of the Semitic Languages", Cambridge, 1890.)
In Bopp's ComparativeGrammar of the Indo-Germanic languages which appeared in 1833, three-quarters of a century ago, the foundations of Comparative Philology were laid.
Ús de comparative philology en anglès
Phylogenetic comparativephilology here yields a strong support to phylogenetic comparative zoology.
Another point connected with the comparativephilology of Australia is the peculiarity of its phonetic system.
The evidence on which we build is imperfect, and always will be imperfect; just as in comparativephilology.
In the way of comparativephilology the most important part of the Grammar of the Australian languages is, generally, the Pronoun.
As a general rule, they understand good English better than bad Spanish; but comparativephilology has obviously been neglected among them.
He, discovering the close affinities of the Zend with Sanscrit, led the way to the most brilliant triumph yet achieved by comparativephilology.
I have always regretted that Tazewell did not bring his mind to bear upon the science of language, and especially of comparativephilology.
Elsewhere were figures Dixon barely recognized: economists, medicals, geographers, social scientists, lawyers, engineers, mathematicians, philosophers, readers in Germanic and comparativephilology, lektors, lecteurs, lectrices.
Naturally, ComparativePhilology blundered and stumbled along this path into endless absurdities.
The study of any foreign language may be made also a study of ComparativePhilology.
How is it with ComparativePhilology and Comparative Anatomy?
Comparativephilology seems to have been largely studied, and the works upon it exhibit great care and diligence.
Comparativephilology has enabled us to trace back the genealogies of races, to determine their origin, and to follow their migrations.
He lived before the days of ComparativePhilology or of Comparative Mythology and Religion, which would have opened a new world to him.
In Bopp's Comparative Grammar of the Indo-Germanic languages which appeared in 1833, three-quarters of a century ago, the foundations of ComparativePhilology were laid.